- GandalfUK/godoc2ghmd - Markdown from your Go documentation
- Authenticate proxy with nginx - Docker Registry
- Building Your Own Dedicated IPSEC VPN in Less Than 10 Minutes - interested in using the Docker image
- Passpie - FAQ - alternative to storing tokens in plaintext in $HOME
- Measuring Software Performance on Linux -
- GitHub Universe 2018: Low Key Revolutionary
- Investor Ed: Two Ways to Rebalance Your Portfolio - Merrill Lynch
- Monte Carlo Simulation - Investopedia
- LEB Boulder Cross-training Workout Gloves
- Brendan Burns Kubernetes - Search - YouTube
- Software Engineer, Tools and Infrastructure - Google
- Akie Bermiss Trio
- RelayFM
- KrakenD API Gateway
- Netdata - Real-time monitoring
- Stojo Biggie - Collapsible coffee mug