- A Library of Parallel Algorithms
- How To Report Bugs Effectively - Simon Tatham
- Large-scale cluster management at Google with Borg
- heroku/heroku-buildpack-go: Heroku Go Buildpack
- rsc/go-import-redirector
- philippe44/AirConnect
- Keep Calm and Carry On: Scaling Your Org with Microservices - SRECon 2017
- 0xAX/linux-insides: A little bit about a linux kernel
- Ep. 179: The Battle for Tech Supremacy With Ben Thompson — The Bill Simmons Podcast — Overcast
- Bobby - Keep track of your subscriptions
- When Textbook RSA is Used to Protect the Privacy of Hundreds of Millions of Users – Arxiv Vanity
- Container Structure Tests: Unit Tests for Docker Images : Google Open Source Blog
- Linux Containers in 500 lines of code
- Hugo vs Jekyll: Benchmarked :
- cloudflare/nginx-google-oauth lua module
- Interpreting the Data: Parallel Analysis with Sawzall
- Capacity Planning
- Release Management within Open Source Projects
- How Nations Recover – David Brooks for NYTimes
- Personal Infrastructure – Jess Frazelle
- Thinking Forth
- Order The Power of Moments: Why Certain Experiences Have Extraordinary Impact Heath Brothers
- Books That Changed My Perspective - Julie Zhuo
- Increment: Energy and Environment
[Time Management in the Modern Workplace Course 2017 Alison]( - CS 007: PERSONAL FINANCE FOR ENGINEERS - Stanford University
- “Hard things are hard.” Here’s why @POTUS has a plaque with this phrase on his desk
- Ask HN: What are some interesting papers in CS for a beginner?
- How to Learn Vim: A Four Week Plan
- Conde Nast Traveler 22 Ambassadors Recommend the One Book to Read Before Visiting Their Country
- Mel Chua
- An effortless way to improve your memory (take a break after you learn something – don’t try to learn something new right away)
- Giving the iPad a full-time job
- Morning Pages